2013 IDA Congress Event Agreement signed in Montreal

20.04.2011 News
Montreal (Canada) - Representatives from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and the IDA Executive Committee signed the 2013 IDA Congress Event Agreement on 16 April in Montreal. This confirms Istanbul, Turkey as host city for the second IDA Congress - a joint endeavour of Icsid (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), Icograda and IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers). Led by Prof. Alpay Er, Head of the Department of Industrial Product Design, Faculty of Architecture at ITU, the host member team met with the IDA Executive Committee to initiate the planning of the IDA Congress in 2013 around the theme 'Design Dialects'.
"The nature of the IDA Congress is one of interconnection between the allianceÂs disciplines - industrial, communication and interior architecture/design - what they share in common and what sets them apart," stated Icsid President, Dr. Mark Breitenberg, on behalf of the IDA Executive Committee. "With Istanbul, the 2013 IDA Congress has an ideal host city whose diversity and rich history in design epitomises interconnection. The IDA is truly looking forward to working with the various organising committee members and partners in Istanbul for what will surely be a landmark event for design-based collaboration."
For more information, please contact:
International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid)
Mr. Rafael Mayor-Mora
Communications Manager
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 223
E: rmayor@icsid.org
International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda)
Mr. Fareed Ramezani
Project Manager  Event Production
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 222
E: framezani@icograda.org
International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI)
Ms. Deirdre Gould
Secretary General
T: +1 514 286 0122
E: secretary@ifiworld.org
About the IDA Congress
The IDA Congress is the primary event for dialogue between designers and non-design stakeholders in a summit format. The aim of the IDA Congress is to bring together the unified voice of designers around the world in a themed framework to advance the vision and mission of the IDA by engaging with government leaders, INGO's, business, science and technology, education and the social sciences.
About Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
ITU, as a leading state university, defines and continues updating methods of engineering and design education in Turkey. It provides its students with modern educational facilities while retaining traditional academic values, as well as using its strong international contacts to mould young, talented individuals who can compete in the global arena. ITU, with its 18 150 under-graduate and 6500 graduate enrolled students, has 37 departments in 13 faculties, six different graduate schools and 11 research centers. Almost all undergraduate programs has been accredited by international bodies like ABET, EUA, NAAB, IMO. The vision of ITU is to rank among leading research universities globally. www.itu.edu.tr
About the International Design Alliance (IDA)
Established in 2005, the International Design Alliance (IDA) is a strategic venture between Icsid, Icograda and IFI, the international organisations representing design. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)