2011 ADAA jury and semifinalists announced for period I

13.03.2011 News
San Jose (United States) - The is pleased to announce its panel of outstanding judges for 2011. The Pre-Selection panel will evaluate submissions online to select deserving semifinalists. Semifinalist work will then be sent to the Adobe headquarters to be judged by the Category judges in
August to choose the competition finalists. Over the course of last month, jury members have worked tirelessly to review all student entries submitted for Period I. The names of the semifinalists for this period have been announced on the ADAA website.
The 2011 Adobe Design Achievement Award jury is comprised of:
Pre-Selection Panel:
Find out more at: www.adobeawards.com
For more information, please contact:
Diala Lada
Projects Manager
Icograda Secretariat
E: dlada@icograda.org
© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and the Adobe logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The 2011 Adobe Design Achievement Award jury is comprised of:
Category Judges:
- John Bielenberg (United States) - Project M
- Gillian Crampton Smith (United Kingdom/Italy) - Iuav University of Venice
- Liz Danzico, (United States) - School of Visual Arts
- Meredith Davis (United States) - Professor and Director
- Anthony Dunne (United Kingdom) - Royal College of Art
- Juan-Carlos Fernandez (Mexico/Canada) - Ideograma
- Troy Innocent (Australia) - Monash Universiry
- Apex Lin (Taiwan, Chinese Taipei) - National Taiwan Normal University
- Kees Overbeeke (Netherlands) - Eindhoven University of Technology
- Dean Poole (New Zealand) - Alt Group
- Vibeke Sorensen (Singapore) - Nanyang Technological University
- Ellen Wagner (United States) - Sage Road Solutions
Pre-Selection Panel:
- Hanna Abi-Hanna (Lebanon) - Illustrator and Animator
- Laurence Arcadias (United States) - MICA (Baltimore)
- Paul Bellila (France) - Past ADAA participant
- Lawrence Blankenbyl (New Zealand) - Director and Freelancer
- James Buyayo (United States) - BRUTE LABS
- Yeong-woong Cheong (South Korea) - Eeung
- Amy Chow (Hong Kong SAR) - Hong Kong Design Center
- John Close (United States) - Push Design
- Toby Curnow (New Zealand) - Alt Group
- Christian Eggenberger (Switzerland) - Past ADAA participant
- Jay Farbman (United States) - Jay Farbman Photography
- Steven Fisher (Canada) - Hello Fisher
- Diego Giaccone (Argentina) - SURe Brandesign
- Matthew Ipcar (United States) - Blue State Digital
- Brian W. Jones (United States) - Welcome
- Timothy Kelleher (New Zealand) - Sons & Co.
- Kris Lane (New Zealand) - Alt Group
- Archie Lee Coates, IV (United States) - PlayLab, Inc
- Jennie Reinish (United States) - Tidepool Pictures
- Emmi Salonen (Finland) - Studio EMMI
- Ries Straver (Netherlands) - Consultant and Video maker
- Felipe Taborda (Brazil) - Graphic Designer, Author and Curator
- Josh To (United States) - BRUTE LABS
- Monica Zacarias (Mexico) - Independent Designer
Period II
The second period of this year's competition is currently in progress and will close on 29 April 2011 at 17:00 Pacific time. Free to enter, the competition is open to students, faculty members, and staff members of higher education institutions throughout the world. Each participant may submit work up to two times in each of the 15 student categories or in three faculty and staff categories. Read the competition rules for more details.Prizes
Finalists will receive Adobe software and a trip to Taipei, Taiwan, where they will be honored in an awards ceremony during the 2011 IDA Congress set for 24-26 October 2011. Category winners also will receive a cash award of USD $3000.Find out more at: www.adobeawards.com
For more information, please contact:
Diala Lada
Projects Manager
Icograda Secretariat
E: dlada@icograda.org
About Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences.www.adobe.com
About Icograda
Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations) is the world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, Icograda promotes communication designers' vital role in society and commerce.© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and the Adobe logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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