TYPOJANCHI 2011: Seoul International Typography Biennial

From 05.12.2014 Biennial

South Korea

The Calligraphy Art Museum of Seoul Arts Centre in South Korea will host TYPOJANCHI 2011 from 30 August to 14 September 2011. The presentation, under the theme Fire Flower of East Asia, includes a main exhibition from 99 invited designers and special exhibitions from 8 designers. The visiting designers will present at a symposium and university workshops during the exhibition.

Ninety-nine designers from main East Asian countries – South Korea, China and Japan – will interact and explore the artistic values and experimental possibilities of typography. The invited designers were recommended by distinguished designers from South Korea, China and Japan, including Ahn Sang-soo the International Organising Committee Chairperson. The exhibited works are essential elements of visual communication design – mainly posters, books and typefaces. Eight honourable designers will present special exhibitions: Choi Jung-ho and Chung Byung-kyoo from South Korea; Lv Jingren, Kan Tai Keung and Xu Bing from China; and Tanaka Ikko, Asaba Katsumi and Hirano Kouga from Japan.

Purpose and Objectives

  • It has been ten years since the world's first International Typography Biennial held in Seoul.
  • In the present times, the world's cultural centre is shifting towards Asia.
  • Representative designers from South Korea, China and Japan, the East Asian countries within Chinese characters cultural region, will culturally interact through invited exhibition.
  • Typography being the basis of character cultures, its artistic values and alternative possibilities will be presented.
  • A new and important turning point will be achieved in the typography history. We hope this occasion to become a de facto International Biennial.


Special Exhibition

China Japan Korea
Kan Taikeung Asaba Katsumi Choi Jung-ho
Lv Jingren Hirano Kouga Chung Byoung-kyoo
Xu Bing Tanaka Ikko

Main Exhibition

China Japan Korea
Au Benny Akiyama Shin Ahn Byung-hak
Bi Xuefeng Harata HeiQuiti Cho Hyun
Chen Rong Hattori Kazunari Joe Hyoun-youl
Choi Sandy Hayashi Noriaki Han Jae-joon
Du Fengsong Imada Kinichi Hong Sung-taek
Han Jiaying Kasai Kaoru Jeong Jae-wan
Han Xu Kato Kensaku Jung Jin-yeol
He Jianping Kimura Yuji Kim Do-hyung
He Jun Kitagawa Issay Kim Doo-sup
Hei Yiyang Kobayashi Akira Kim Jang-woo
Hou Ying Matzda Yukimasa Kim Joo-sung
JOYN:VISCOM Matsushita Kei Kim Na
Lee Kentsai Mito Hidetoshi Kim Na-moo
Li Shaobo Nakagawa Kenzo Ko Kang-cheol
Li Tommy Nakajima Hideki Kymn Kyung-sun
Liu Esther Nakamura Norio Lee Chae
Lu Zhichang Nakano Takeo Lee Choong-ho
Mak Prudence Nakui Naoko Lee Jae-min
Mei Shuzhi Nanbu Toshiyasu Lee Se-young
Mo Javin Niijima Minoru Lee Yong-je
Nieh Aaron Ota Tetsuya Min Byung-geol
OMD Sakano Koichi Moon Jang-hyun
Pan Qin Sato Naoki Nanum, Seoul City font
Tomeetyou Sawada Yasuhiro Oh Jin-kyung
Wang Zhihong Shirai Yoshihisa Park Ji-hoon
Wang Ziyuan Sobue Shin Park Kum-jun
Wong Stanley Suisaki Shinnoske Park Woo-hyuk
Wu Yong Suzuki Hitoshi Park Yeoun-joo
Xiaomage+ Chenzi Suzuki Isao Seong Jae-hyouk
Ying Yonghui Terayama Yusaku Shur Ki-heun
Zhao Qing Torinoumi Osamu Sulki Min
Zhu Haichen Yamaguchi Nobuhiro Workroom
Zhu Yingchun Yamamoto Taro Yeo Tae-myung

For more information, please contact:

TYPOJANCHI 2011 SEOUL Secretariat
Jongro-gu, Yeulgok-ro 53, Haeyoung Hoigwan 5F
110-240 South Korea
T +82 1027401048
F +82 5023980830
E koreantypography@gmail.com
W typojanchi.org