hong kong international poster triennial 2024

From 21.08.2023 to 20.11.2023 Competition
ChinaICoD is pleased to announce the Member Event Multiverse - Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2024 competition organised by the Hong Kong Designers Association. The submissions are open from 21 August 2023 to 20 November 2023.
The Hong Kong Heritage Museum is delighted to launch the "Multiverse ― Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2024" competition, jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Designers Association and invites designers and creative individuals from across the world to submit their posters through online submission.
Since its debut in 2001, the "Hong Kong International Poster Triennial" is now in its eighth edition. Each Triennial comprises a combination of the international poster design competition, exhibition and talks, which aims to assemble a distinct collection of international posters, fostering graphic design education and enhancing cultural exchanges with other countries and regions.
The theme of this edition of HKIPT is “Multiverse”. In the era of rapidly developing digital design, technology and multimedia, how can posters extend their function of conveying information and messages through excellent design and printing techniques while also exploring new, diverse and cross-disciplinary areas? Graphic designers from all over the world, with different cultural backgrounds, are welcome to join the competition, through which the infinite realm of creative imagery will be navigated in both static or animated forms by utilising different ways of presentation and contemporary design elements.
"Still & Motion — Hong Kong International PosterTriennal 2021" exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Competition Category
A. Thematic: Multiverse
B. Promotion of Cultural Programmes
C. Commercial and Advertising
D. Animated Poster
Two specialist judging panels are set up with eight internationally renowned designers and teams:
Printed poster judging panel — Category (A), (B)and (C)
1. Eric Chan (Hong Kong, China)
2. Huang Hai (China)
3. Felix Pfäffli (Switzerland)
4. Shinnoske Sugisaki (Japan)
5. Eva Wendel (Germany)
Animated poster judging panel — Category (D)
1. Henry Chu (Hong Kong, China)
2. Thomas Widdershoven (The Netherlands)
3. Tin Nguyen & Edward Cutting (Australia/The United States)
(Members of the judging panel are subject to change without prior notice.)
Awards and Exhibition
Each category will feature Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, and eight International Judges Awards will be given. All awarded and selected entries will be presented at the HKIPT2024 exhibition, tentatively scheduled to be held at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in late 2024. They will also be featured in the exhibition publication and become part of the museum's permanent collections.
Submission Deadline
20 November 2023, 11:59 PM (Hong Kong Time)
Entry Submission
Submit an online application through the website www.postertriennial.hk
Entry Fee
Free of charge