Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress

From 15.01.2015 Conference Congress
South Koreaeeum: «design connects» the 2015 international design congress
Join us in October in the Korean city of Gwangju for Eeum: «Design Connects» the 2015 International Design Congress. «Design Connects» will explore trans-disciplinary design and collaboration, and serve as a meeting-point for designers around the world with presentations by an international roster of speakers including lauded design historian Victor Margolin, founder of Frog Design, Hartmut Esslinger, and Former Icograda President Robert L. Peters.
The Congress takes place just prior to the ico-D 26GA. Register for the Congress before the end of the Early Bird period—which has been extended to 31 August 2015—and take advantage of a reduced ico-D Member rate. See more rates details here.
Register for the Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress via the online registration site.
what is eeum?
Read the ico-D feature on the Congress theme, "eeum".
speakers and programming
The 2015 International Design Congress will gather the most innovative and creative minds from within the fields of design, technology and related fields. The event will be focused on how "Design Connects" by fostering communication, discussion, brainstorming and the intermixing of local and international professionals, students, educators, leaders and the public - all in the unique context of the City of Gwangju.
Download the program at a glance for full event schedule.
See full speaker list here.
En route to 2015 IDC speaker Frida Larios interview:
"designing towards ancestors: a no-brand future"
Limited-time special offers for participant accommodations have been secured in Gwangju. Hotels were selected after careful consideration of several factors to offer: security, moderate price, proximity to venue, convenient location and traffic situation, etc.
The special rates have been arranged by the official Housing Bureau, and are valid, space-permitting, until 11 September 2015. We encourage all attendees to book as soon as possible.
The hotel booking is monitored by the Housing Bureau of 2015 IDC. To arrange your hotel reservation, fill out the hotel reservation form and send it to:
Housing Bureau of 2015 IDC
Kim's Travel Service Co., Ltd.
Fax : +82-2-571-9921
For more details on the Accommodations, visit the IDC page here.
Download the Hotel Listing and Details here.
Please Note:
• Hotel Reservation Deadline: 11 September, 2015, rooms/rates are not guaranteed after the date.
• Reservations are made on a first-come first-served basis.
• The hotel listing & room rates are subject to change due to local conditions.
For questions regarding ico-D participation in the Congress, Platforms or the ico-D General Assembly contact:
Other Congress inquiries can be directed to:
We look forward to seeing you in Gwangju!